12th November 1995

(by A.K. Papaderos)

The Apostle Paul
The Winds of Crete and of the Oikoumene

An Oratorio
created on the occasion of the Plenary Session
of the Committee Faith and Order
of the World Council of Churches
OAC, 8th October 2009

Conception - Text : Alexandros K. Papaderos
Music: Georgios I. Chatzitheodorou and Falk Kulawik

50th anniversary of the Conference of European Churches (CEC)

A.K.P.: selected publications

Orthodoxy and Economy. A Dialogue with Alfred Müller-Armack, in: SOCIAL COMPASS, (International Review of Socio-Religious Studies) XXII, 1975/1, 33-66. (Bibliography-117)

Das Volksleben auf Kreta einst und noch!, Chania 1978. [The life of the people of Crete, then and now!, Chania 1978.] (Bibliography-136)

Liturgical Diaconia, in: An Orthodox Approach to Diaconia. Consultation on Church and Service, Orthodox Academy of Crete, November 20-25, 1978, WCC, Geneva 1980, 17-46. (Bibliography-143)

The “gadfly” on trial : The “political” commitment of the World Council of Churches, in : VOICES OF UNITY. Essays in honour of Dr W. A. Visser ‘t Hooft on the occasion of his 80th birthday, WCC, Geneva 1981, 78 -91 (1983 second printing). (Bibliography-147)

Ecumenism as Celebration, in: Faith and Faithfulness. Essays on contemporary ecumenical themes. A tribute to Philip A. Potter, WCC, Geneva 1984, 28 - 39. (Bibliography-174)

Some Thoughts on Reception (Mid-Stream1984)

Our Ecumenical Diaconia - Both Large and Small, in: HOPE IN THE DESERT. The Churches’ United Response to Human Need, 1944-1984, Edited by Kenneth Slack, 1986 19 WCC, Geneva 1986, 91 - 106. (Bibliography-195)

The Challenge of Racisme. Some Aspects of Orthodox Belief and Experience, in: Catalysing Hope for Justice, a tribute to C.I.Itty, ed. by W.R.Schmidt, WCC, in Association with Christian Conference of Asia, Singapore - Geneva 1987, pp. 33-42. (Bibliography-206)

Contribution to: Diakonia 2000 â Called to be Neighbours. Larnaca, 1986, WCC Geneva 1987, 58 - 61 (Bibliography-207)

Die Lima-Texte zu Taufe, Eucharistie und Amt als Schritte zur Einheit? In: Am Beginn des theologischen Dialogs. Dokumentation des römischen, des Wiener und des Salzburger Ökumenismus. Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Theodor Piffl-Perçeviḉ mit einem Geleitwort von Erzbischof Karl Berg. Bd. 10 der PRO ORIENTE – Publikationen, Innsbruck-Wien 1987. [The Lima-Texts on Baptism, Eucharist and Office as Steps Towards Unity? In: At the beginning of the theological dialogue. Documentation of the Roman, the Viennese and the Salzburgese ecumenism. Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Theodor Piffl-Perçeviḉ with a foreword by Archbishop Karl Berg. Vol. 10 of the PRO ORIENTE publications, Innsbruck-Wien 1987.] (Bibliography-209)

Οδοιπορικό της Ασίας, ΔΚ 9 (1988) 67-80. [Asian Itinerary (January 7 to March 15, 1988 DK 9 67-80 (transl. from the greek orig.].

“FACE TO FACE”. Literature and Art in the renewal of the Church’s Mission. A Project of the Orthodox Academy of Crete, in: International Rewiew of Mission, Vol. LXXX, No. 317, January 1991, CWME/WCC, Geneva. (Bibliography-250)

The Oikos of the Mediterranean - A common Responsibility of Religions
Summary of Lectures at Cairo and Alexandria (1992)

Chairman's Report. More precisely, a plea for ecumenical defiance!, in: Conference of European Churches - Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Committee, Geneva 1993, 48 - 57. (Bibliography-272)

ῼΔΗ ΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΙΝ ΤΟΥ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ, ΔΚ 40 (1996, ένθετο μετά τη σελ. 324).7
287. Καταλλαγή, ΔΚ 41 (1996) 329. [Reconciliation, DΚ 41 (1996) 329.] [ODE TO THE APOCALYPSE OF JOHN, DΚ 40
(1996, inset after p. 324). (Bibliography-286)

Erinnerungen für die Zukunft, in: Gurney R. (Hg) 40 Jahre KEK, Genf 1999, 74–79. Το αυτό: Memories for the future; in:
Gurney R. 32 (Ed.) CEC at 40, Geneva 1999, p. 68-73. Το αυτό: Mémoires pour le futur, in: Gurney R. (éd) La KEK a 40 ans,
KEK Genève 1999, 71- 77. (Bibliography-320)

The Contemporary Orthodox Church: Challenged and Responding, REFORMED REVIEW 52.3 (1999) 225 – 234.

ΕΛΛΗΝ ΛΟΓΟΣ. ΟΥΚ ΟΙΔΑ Α ΟΙΔΑ, Τεῦχος Α’, Εκδόσεις Ορθοδόξου Ακαδημίας Κρήτης, Χανιά 1999. Β΄ έκδοση, αναθεωρημένη – εμπλουτισμένη, Χανιά 2001. Γ΄ έκδοση, αναθεωρημένη – εμπλουτισμένη, Χανιά 2002. [ELLIN LOGOS (GREEK WORD), Publications of the Orthodox Academy of Crete, Chania, 1999], 2. Edit. 2001, 3. Edit. 2002.]

Greek you already know. Le grec que tu connais deja. Dir schon bekanntes Griechisch. Греческий, который ты уже знаешь., Chania 2002.

Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα στην παρούσα κοινωνία, στον τόμο: Τέταρτος κύκλος Διαλόγου μεταξύ των Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών και της Ομάδας του Ευρωπαϊκού Λαϊκού Κόμματος (Χριστιανοδημοκράτες) και των Ευρωπαίων Δημοκρατών, 8.-9. Ιουνίου 2000, Κωνσταντινούπολη, σελ. 91 – 100. [Human Rights in present Society, in: At the Fourth Dialogue between the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats and the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Robert Schuman Foundation for Cooperation, Istanbul 2003, pp.82-88].

11 September Aftershock: the case of Human Rights Defenders. Report of the Meeting of Human Rights Defenders at the OAC, Crete, 18 – 21 September, 2002 (ed. with H. Thoolen)

[έκδ. με Β. Γκέκα, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης), Α΄ Διεθνές Συνέδριο: Χριστιανική Ανθρωπολογία και Βιοτεχνολογική Πρόοδος (Εισηγήσεις), Εκδόσεις Ορθοδόξου Ακαδημίας Κρήτης, Πολυτ. Κρήτης, Χανιά 2003. Το αυτό αγγλιστί: [ed. with B. Gekas], I. International Conference: Christian Anthropology and Biotechnological Progress (Presentations), Orthodox Academy of Crete and Technical University of Crete), Chania 2003
. (Bibliography-381)

Civilization: Some Observations on Terminology, in: Civilisations and Public Law, European Public Law Series, Vol.
 LXXIX, European Public Law Center, Edited by E. Venizelos /   A. Pantélis, Esperia Publications, London 2005, 67-77

Some of the publications related to the OAC and to Alexandros K. Papaderos

European Journal of Science and Theology

Pugwash Newsletter

Robert Fulghum: It was on Fire When I Lay Down on It (The Meaning of Life)

in GREEK / ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ (επιλογή)

1. Το μαρτύριον της συνειδήσεως.
2. ΟΑΚ - Πρώτη Δεκαετία.
3. ΟΑΚ - Η Πρώτη Εικοσαετία.
4. ΟΑΚ – Δεύτερη Δεκαετία.
5. Οικουμενισμός: Κλήση και πρόκληση.
6. Ορθοδοξία και Οικονομία.
7. Λειτουργική Διακονία.
8. Κυρίλλου και Μεθοδίου…Μνήμη και Υπόμνηση.
9. Καταλλαγή-Δώρο του Θεού και πηγή νέας ζωής.